Ovulation is a phase in the menstrual cycleIt occurs at about day 14 of a 28day menstrual cycle Specifically, ovulation is the release of the egg (ovum) from a woman's ovary Each month, between days six and 14 of the menstrual cycle, folliclestimulating hormone causes follicles in one of a woman's ovaries to begin to matureAbout 3 days after conception The zygote now consists of about 16 cells and is called a morula (aka preembryo) It has normally reached or exited the fallopian tube and entered the uterus 5 days or so after conception The grouping of cells are now called a blastocystBy C Ward Kischer, PhD A human embryologist speaks out about sociolegal issues involving the human embryo Since 1973, when Roe v Wade was adjudicated, there have been many sociolegal issues involving the human embryo Abortion, partialbirth abortion, in vitro fertilization, fetal tissue research, human embryo research, stem cell research, cloning and genetic engineering are Phases Of Meiosis Ii Vid