上 白金 稜 109510-白金 稜
東京(とうきょう)ミュウミュウ is a 52 episode anime adaptation of the manga of the same name It was broadcast on both TV Aichi and TV Tokyo in Japan and premiered on It aired weekly until it ended on The opening theme was "My Sweet Heart" by Rika Komatsu and the ending theme was "Koi wa à la Mode", which was performed by the Japanese voiceName translation 稜 Ryou"=angle, edge, corner, power, majesty, spirit "白 Shiro"=white "é‡' gane"= money, gold ("白é‡'"= platinum) The translation of Ryou's surname suggests that he is incredibly wealthy DoB unknown Age 15 (16 in Mew Mew Power) Eye color Aquamarine blue Hair color Blond Height N/A Weight N/A Special Ryou緑釉白金彩文四稜高台皿 ¥3,850 / 素朴な風合いの色味にやさしい花の模様がうれしい。 温かみのあるこの器は毎日のテーブルに違和感なく溶け込んでくれそう。 個性とセンスが絶妙なバランスを保っている、天平窯の岡晋吾さん・岡さつきさんの器。伝統的な要素も踏襲しつつ、岡さんらしい 70以上 白金稜 白金 稜